
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) of America

Non-Gov Organization
Organization Info:
10100 Elida Road Delphos Ohio 45833
Phone:(419) 695-8010
All services offered:
  • Family Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

Additional information:

All Gender Services

SAFY’s Model of Care is a way of working with families across service systems to enhance their capacity to care for and protect their children. Focusing on permanency, safety, and well-being and needs within the context of the family and community, we build on each individual’s strengths to achieve positive, sustainable outcomes.
SAFY’s Model of Care is a way of working with families across service systems to enhance their capacity to care for and protect their children. Focusing on permanency, safety, and well-being and needs within the context of the family and community, we build on each individual’s strengths to achieve positive, sustainable outcomes.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.