
Reconnecting Columbus, LLC

Non-Gov Organization
Organization Info:
1051 Old Henderson Rd Suite A Columbus Ohio 43220
Phone:(614) 450-2870
All services offered:
  • Family Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

  • Couples Counseling

  • Marriage Enrichment Programs

Additional information:

All Gender Services

Reconnecting Columbus, LLC provides specialized counseling for couples. We are dedicated to helping couples excel in their relationship. We do not think restoration should be the only goal of relationship counseling. Restoration is just the starting point.
Reconnecting Columbus, LLC provides specialized counseling for couples. We are dedicated to helping couples excel in their relationship. We do not think restoration should be the only goal of relationship counseling. Restoration is just the starting point.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.