
Providers for Healthy Living- Mansfield

Non-Gov Organization
Organization Info:
1221 S Trimble Rd Suite C3 Mansfield Ohio 44907
All services offered:
  • Family Counseling

  • Psychiatry

Additional information:

All Gender Services

At Providers for Healthy Living, our common purpose is hope. We want every patient to feel more hopeful after interacting with a member of our staff. We provide psychiatric medication management, therapy/counseling (individual, couples/marriage, family, group), EMDR, DBT, art therapy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, and psychological testing services to patients from 3 to 55.
At Providers for Healthy Living, our common purpose is hope. We want every patient to feel more hopeful after interacting with a member of our staff. We provide psychiatric medication management, therapy/counseling (individual, couples/marriage, family, group), EMDR, DBT, art therapy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, and psychological testing services to patients from 3 to 55.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.