
House of New Hope - Champaign County

Faith Based Organization
Organization Info:
8135 Mt. Vernon Rd. St. Louisville Ohio 43071
Phone:(740) 345-5437
All services offered:
  • Family Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

  • Adoption Services

  • Foster Care

  • Child Care Services

  • Developmental Disability Centers (Early Intervention)

  • Special Needs Services

  • Youth Counseling

Additional information:

All Gender Services

For decades, evidence has shown an undeniable connection between childhood trauma and chronic adverse reactions across the lifespan. Childhood traumatic experiences are associated with serious and persistent, long-term physical, psychological, and substance abuse issues. In addition to adverse effects on physical health, research indicates that early childhood trauma has particularly adverse effects on adolescent self-esteem, coping skills, school performance, self-regulation, critical thinking, self-motivation, and the ability to build healthy relationships. House of New Hope specializes in Trauma Informed Treatment Foster Care... considered the gold standard in child welfare and mental health practice. ​Each child’s needs are carefully assessed to establish individualized programming and matching to a treatment foster home qualified to meet his or her emotional, developmental, behavioral and/or medical needs. Healing foster parents are trained in Trauma-Informed Parenting principles.
For decades, evidence has shown an undeniable connection between childhood trauma and chronic adverse reactions across the lifespan. Childhood traumatic experiences are associated with serious and persistent, long-term physical, psychological, and substance abuse issues. In addition to adverse effects on physical health, research indicates that early childhood trauma has particularly adverse effects on adolescent self-esteem, coping skills, school performance, self-regulation, critical thinking, self-motivation, and the ability to build healthy relationships. House of New Hope specializes in Trauma Informed Treatment Foster Care... considered the gold standard in child welfare and mental health practice. ​Each child’s needs are carefully assessed to establish individualized programming and matching to a treatment foster home qualified to meet his or her emotional, developmental, behavioral and/or medical needs. Healing foster parents are trained in Trauma-Informed Parenting principles.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.