
Community Mediation Services

Non-Gov Organization
Organization Info:
67 Jefferson Ave. Columbus Ohio 43215
Phone:(614) 228-7191
All services offered:
  • Legal Assistance

  • Family Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

  • Marriage Enrichment Programs

Additional information:

All Gender Services

We help people create lasting and satisfying resolutions to their: Workplace Issues, Marital Problems, Elder-Care Concerns, Parent/Teenager Conflicts, Neighborhood Nuisances, Tenant/Landlord Disputes...and MANY MORE!We also teach people how to use conflict resolution and mediation skills in their own lives.
We help people create lasting and satisfying resolutions to their: Workplace Issues, Marital Problems, Elder-Care Concerns, Parent/Teenager Conflicts, Neighborhood Nuisances, Tenant/Landlord Disputes...and MANY MORE!We also teach people how to use conflict resolution and mediation skills in their own lives.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.