
Cleveland Christian Home - Residential & Community-Based Services

Faith Based Organization
Organization Info:
11401 Lorain Ave Cleveland Ohio 44111
Phone:(216) 416-4277
Inpatient and Housing Availability:
  • Residential/Inpatient Treatment

    Call for Availability
All services offered:
  • Residential/Inpatient Treatment

  • Family Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Foster Care

Additional information:

All Gender Services

For more than 120 years, we've been helping families in crisis. Providing traditional and intensive care residential treatment, Cleveland Christian Home helps children to live in less restrictive environments, whether that's foster care, another facility, or if possible, home. Our goal is sustainable recovery from trauma. CCH staff participate in ongoing professional staff development and training, but equally important, our team has the heart for our work, which is essential.
For more than 120 years, we've been helping families in crisis. Providing traditional and intensive care residential treatment, Cleveland Christian Home helps children to live in less restrictive environments, whether that's foster care, another facility, or if possible, home. Our goal is sustainable recovery from trauma. CCH staff participate in ongoing professional staff development and training, but equally important, our team has the heart for our work, which is essential.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.