
Bay Presbyterian Church

Organization Info:
25415 Lake Road Bay Village Ohio 44140
Phone:(440) 871-3822
All services offered:
  • Educational Resources for Families

  • Child Care Services

  • Special Needs Services

  • Church Youth Groups

  • Marriage Enrichment Programs

Additional information:

All Gender Services

We're a Christian community calling and equipping people to follow Jesus fully: loving God, loving others, and making disciples (especially of our children). We find our foundation in the Bible, our hope in the gospel, our service in partnership with other Cleveland churches, and our power in the Holy Spirit.
We're a Christian community calling and equipping people to follow Jesus fully: loving God, loving others, and making disciples (especially of our children). We find our foundation in the Bible, our hope in the gospel, our service in partnership with other Cleveland churches, and our power in the Holy Spirit.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.